Our updated online booking form design is here!
You don't need to do anything; your online booking form was automatically upgraded :)
Here are some of the highlights:
  • Clean, uncluttered design so your logo and brand colors stand out.
  • Fast load time, which translates into better conversion rates.
  • Step-reveal design, which reduces "form fatigue" by only displaying one step at a time.
  • International phone number validation that preselects country code based on the visitors IP address and validates the format of the input based on the country so you always get a correct number no matter where your users are from.
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And here are a few more highlights:
  • Notify me
If your visitor enters an address that is outside your service area they can chose to be notified when you do service their area with one click. You get a notification and can find that visitors info in your lead list, tagged with their postal code. You can then decide where to open next based on where your unfilled demand is coming from.
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  • pre-filled fields
Pass any field through the URL to prefill the form for your clients. For example, if you have a lead collection form in your home page you can pass the name, phone and email fields on to the form to make checking out even faster and more convenient for the user.
As always, you can create different service types and have different prices for different frequencies.